【輸入盤CD】Mussorgsky/Moser / Benjamin Moser Plays (2019/7/19発売)

【輸入盤CD】Mussorgsky/Moser / Benjamin Moser Plays (2019/7/19発売)

【 Yahooショッピングモール 】

CD・DVD グッドバイブレーションズ



2019/7/19 発売

Benjamin Moser writes of his new program with Avi: "I have had the idea for this project since 2016. For the occasion of the 10th anniversary of my prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition and of my first album with Russian music, I wanted to make another recording, a sort of "Volume 2" with Russian repertoire. Within that framework I wanted to couple a well-known work with others that are more seldom performed: the Pictures at an Exhibition seemed like a good choice, since I had always wanted to play them- particularly in the original version, which I love. I wanted to couple them with Rachmaninoff's 1st Piano Sonata, a seldom-performed work which is both marvelous and underrated. But then I discovered Earl Wild's arrangements of Rachmaninoff songs, and soon became thrilled with these technically demanding yet delightfully lyrical miniatures. A further inspiration was provided by the focus on "America


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