【輸入盤CD】Berlioz/Eduard Van Beinum / Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique(輸入盤CD) (2017/8/18発売)

【輸入盤CD】Berlioz/Eduard Van Beinum / Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique(輸入盤CD) (2017/8/18発売)

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CD・DVD グッドバイブレーションズ



ベルリオーズ 幻想交響曲
2017/8/18 発売

Between the controversial Mengelberg and the versatile Bernard Haitink, Eduard van Beinum played a less distinctive role as principal conductor of the Concertgebouw in the postwar years until his death in 1959, but it is difficult to overestimate the positive effect he had on that orchestra, and the sincerity of his musicianship. Van Beinum described his relationship with orchestral musicians as 'first among equals', and the implications of that collaborative approach to music-making may be appreciated in the beautifully moulded wind solos of this Symphonie fantastique. The Roman Carnival Overture was recorded during the same sessions as the symphony in September 1951, while the excerpts from The Damnation of Faust date from May 1952. The conductor's unfussy mastery and elucidation of symphonic form also serve as a useful reminder that that Berlioz, for all his Romantic tr


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