【輸入盤CD】Khachaturian/Sughayer / Piano Works (SACD) (2019/11/1発売)

【輸入盤CD】Khachaturian/Sughayer / Piano Works (SACD) (2019/11/1発売)

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CD・DVD グッドバイブレーションズ



2019/11/1 発売

Born in 1903, Aram Khachaturian became the most significant twentieth-century musical figure in the then Soviet Republic of Armenia. Many of his most important works date from the first half of his career. The expressive immediacy of his music, conditioned by his Armenian heritage with it's sensuous melodic writing, it's vibrant orchestration and rhythmic drive - all resulted in a popularity equalled by few composers of his generation. Although he is primarily associated with large orchestral scores - including the ballets Gayaneh and Spartacus, perennial favourites with concert audiences - he also left a number of works for piano solo. For his debut disc, the Jordanian-Palestinian pianist Iyad Sughayer has put together a recital spanning from the ample and demanding Sonata to the delightful Children's Album, consisting of ten miniatures, in turn playful and poignant. The recital closes with a pie


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