【輸入盤CD】Rachmaninoff/Neschling / Transcriptions Of Bach (SACD) (2021/2/5発売)

【輸入盤CD】Rachmaninoff/Neschling / Transcriptions Of Bach (SACD) (2021/2/5発売)

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CD・DVD グッドバイブレーションズ



2021/2/5 発売

レーベル: BIS

The success of Ottorino Respighi's 'Roman Trilogy' brought the composer international fame as an outstanding orchestrator. One side effect of this are the orchestral transcriptions gathered on this album: all made in 1929-30 and commissioned by eminent conductors such as Arturo Toscanini and Serge Koussevitzky for their American orchestras. Respighi's wide-ranging musical tastes included an interest in early music which probably contributed to him taking on the task of transcribing organ works by Bach - or creating 'orchestral interpretations', as he himself called the results. Among the Bach works are the celebrated Passacaglia in C minor - which Stokowski had orchestrated just a few years earlier - as well as the Prelude and Fugue in D major. Both are given the full treatment by Respighi, with orchestral forces including strings, triple woodwind, bass clarinet, contrabassoon, four hor


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