【輸入盤CD】Vivaldi / What's Next Vivaldi (2020/9/11発売)

【輸入盤CD】Vivaldi / What's Next Vivaldi (2020/9/11発売)

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CD・DVD グッドバイブレーションズ



2020/9/11 発売

レーベル: ALPHA

Giovanni Antonini and his ensemble Il Giardino Armonico celebrate the composer who made them famous: Antonio Vivaldi. Their recordings of The Four Seasons and Cecilia Bartoli's famous first Vivaldi recital left an indelible mark on the discography of the red-haired Priest! Their musical fireworks display continues with a programme of concertos that is bound to provoke strong reactions, since it is the result of a meeting with a musician who is equally adept at shifting boundaries, the violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja. Together they have devised a programme entitled What's Next Vivaldi? which interweaves ultra-virtuosic concertos by Vivaldi with, between each concerto, short pieces written by much more recent composers, Luca Franesconi, Simone Movio, Giancinto Scelsi, Aureliano Cattaneo and Giovanni Sollima, and mostly commissioned by Patricia Kopatchinskaja especially for this programme.


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